Everything you need to know about mortgages

Questions? Unsure what you need? Our experts have got the knowledge

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Financial protection for your income and affordability

In an ever-changing world, prioritising the protection of your income is of vital importance if you become unable to work. Unexpected events can have a huge impact on our lives and financial stability. If something happened, and you couldn't work, could you still afford to live?

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Affordability assessment calculator

When it comes to buying a home, one of the most important steps is getting a mortgage. As part of the mortgage application process, advisers and lenders conduct an affordability assessment to determine whether you are eligible for a mortgage. You might be wondering 'How do I prepare for an affordability assessment?'

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How to set a budget and stick to it

Setting a budget and adhering to it is vital for achieving financial stability and reaching long-term goals. A well-planned, practical budget helps you track your expenses, control spending, and save for the future.

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How your credit score impacts your mortgage

When it comes to buying a home, few financial factors carry as much weight when it comes to your mortgage application as your credit score.

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How do mortgage affordability assessments work?

Borrowing a large amount of money is a risk so it's important to go through affordability checks to make sure you can comfortably afford to repay your mortgage. When you apply for a mortgage, naturally the main thing you’ll want to understand is how much you’re able to borrow.

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How exactly is credit score calculated?

Your credit score is very important to a lender, but how are they calculated and what impacts your credit score? Credit scores play a crucial role in financial decisions, influencing loan approvals, interest rates, and even job applications. Despite how significant they are for your financial profile, many people still don’t know how credit scores are calculated. When you know how they’re calculated, you can focus on improving that specific area.

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What you’ll need for your mortgage appointment

We've covered everything you'll need to have to hand for your mortgage appointment. Please make sure you have the following information to hand for your mortgage appointment so we can ensure it goes as smoothly as possible.

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How to get a mortgage when you’re single

Wondering whether you’ll be able to get a mortgage on your own? Read our top tips for how you can get yourself as mortgage-ready as possible. You might believe your choices are limited if you're purchasing a property on a single wage, whether you're a one-income family or a single applicant, but there are options available to you.

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How reliable is a mortgage in principle

One of the best ways to prove to sellers and estate agents that you can afford a property is through a mortgage in principle. As a powerful tool to have in your homebuying kit, let’s find out more about how a mortgage in principle may benefit you.

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What happens at a mortgage appointment?

Whether you’re a first time buyer with no idea what to expect, or are coming to the end of your current deal and are thinking of remortgaging, here’s everything you can expect from your mortgage appointment. We understand that getting a mortgage can seem a complicated process. By understanding exactly what you can expect from your upcoming appointment, you can feel in control knowing everything is being taken care of for you.