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How to lower monthly bills

With the cost of living making all aspects of our lives more expensive, everyone is looking at where they can save the pennies, no matter the amount. One expense you can try to cut back on is your household bills. Whether you’re looking to make significant renovations or smaller changes, we’ve put together a series of tips to help you cut down on your expenses and keep more money in your pocket in the long term.

How to lower monthly bills

With the cost of living making all aspects of our lives more expensive, everyone is looking at where they can save the pennies, no matter the amount. One expense you can try to cut back on is your household bills. Whether you’re looking to make significant renovations or smaller changes, we’ve put together a series of tips to help you cut down on your expenses and keep more money in your pocket in the long term.

Energy-efficient appliances

One of the most effective ways to reduce your household bills is by improving your property’s energy efficiency. Start by switching to energy-efficient LED light bulbs, which last longer and consume less electricity compared to traditional, incandescent bulbs. 

You should consider upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers. Look for appliances with high energy-efficiency ratings (A++ or above) to save on electricity bills in the long run.

Installing a smart thermostat allows you to control your heating and cooling system more efficiently. You can then set your thermostat to adjust the temperature when you’re away or asleep to avoid wasting energy.

Insulate your loft, walls and floors


Heat rises, so making sure your loft and loft hatch is well-insulated will prevent any heat from escaping your house. The recommended 270mm depth of insulation could potentially save you around £55 a year.1


Did you know that around one third of all the heat from your home is lost through the walls?2 Insulating the walls not only helps to retain the heat within your home, but also plays a significant role in reducing energy consumption and environmental impact. In addition to the financial benefits of a reduced heating bill, wall insulation contributes to the overall energy efficiency of your home. By insulating the walls in your house, you can reduce your heating bill by 15%.3


By lifting floorboards and laying insulation, you could save around £85 a year on your annual heating bill.4 As well as insulating your home, there are alternative ways that you can help keep your home as warm as possible while cutting back on your bills. 

Change energy supplier

It’s highly recommended that you shop around and see what other energy suppliers can offer you to see if you could switch to a more competitive deal or pricing plan. It’s always worth doing this, as you could save yourself a decent amount of money without having to do a lot. Comparison websites like uSwitch are great to find a quote with efficiency and ease. 

Consider switching to a dual fuel plan, where you get both gas and electricity from the same provider. Bundling services often come with discounts and can simplify bill management.

Draught excluders and rugs

Installing weatherstripping along the edges of doors and windows can create a tight seal, minimising the amount of air that can escape. Draught excluders placed at the bottom of doors can also help to prevent drafts from entering, as well as being a cost-effective solution. 

Adding rugs to different rooms in the house can also retain heat by blocking any air coming up through the floor – as well as adding attractive decor to your interiors. 

You’d be surprised how easily heat can pass through even the smallest of gaps, and sealing around the edge of your windows will stop any air from coming through. Sealing gaps and cracks in walls, floors, and ceilings with caulk or expanding foam can further enhance insulation and prevent unwanted airflow.


Heavy-duty curtains that are properly lined will insulate the room and trap any cold air coming in through the window, so that it doesn’t drift through to the rest of the room, causing a chill in the air. 

Buying a new build could save you money on your energy bills. On average, new homes built in England and Wales today are 65% more energy efficient than a Victorian style house of the same style.5 To discuss getting a mortgage for a new build home, get in touch with us today.

Window film

Window film offers a cost-effective solution for improving insulation, allowing you to make energy savings without the expense of double glazing. By simply measuring, cleaning, cutting, and applying the film, you can enhance the insulation of your windows, reducing heat loss and potentially lowering your heating costs.

Save on water usage

Reducing water consumption not only helps the environment, but also lowers your water bills. Fix any leaky faucets, pipes, or toilets promptly, as even small leaks can add up over time. You can also use water-saving showerheads and faucets, and consider taking shorter showers to conserve water.

When it comes to laundry, wait for a full load before running the washing machine. Lowering the water temperature and using eco-friendly detergents can also make a difference.

Waste not, want not

By making a conscious effort to reduce wasted expenses throughout your household, you could save a considerable amount on your household bills. Turn off electrical devices instead of leaving them on standby, and make sure to unplug chargers, televisions, and other electronics when you aren’t using them.

You can also reduce unnecessary water usage by fixing dripping taps, or using rainwater conservation tips. Minimise food waste by planning meals, freezing leftovers, and composting organic waste.

Saving money on your household bills not only benefits your wallet, but also contributes to a greener future. By making these changes, you have the potential to reduce your overall household expenses and put more in your savings pot.

4 Energy Saving Trust, 2023 

5 New Homes UK, 2023

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By Gavin Culverhouse