Everything you need to know about mortgages

Questions? Unsure what you need? Our experts have got the knowledge

What is protection?

When we talk about “Protection”, we mean the different types of life and protection insurance that you can choose to put in place to guard against unforeseen events. That might be a sudden and serious illness, redundancy and subsequent unemployment, or even death. A protection policy will ensure you and your family have financial support should you lose your job or become no longer able to work.

Do I need critical illness cover?

According to recent research, more than half of homeowners under 40 do not currently have critical illness cover (CIC). Which is fine, until it’s not fine…

Do I need a protection policy for my mortgage?

According to statistics published by the Association of British Insurers, every year over one million people become unable to work due to a serious illness or injury. When you’re fit and healthy it’s natural to think it’ll never happen to you. But what if it does?

Why do I need life insurance?

The offer has been accepted, your mortgage is in the pipelines and you can almost feel the cool steel of the key in your hand. Stop! One last thing to think about, what insurances do you need in place before you move in? Which types of insurance policy and protection are legally required by your mortgage provider? Will you need to take out life insurance?

How can I pay my mortgage if I’m made redundant

If you are made redundant, you are likely to have a number of concerns, many of which will be related to money. Since it makes up such a large part of your outgoings, the question of how you will meet your mortgage repayments is likely to be top of the list.

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